I am no stranger to a 5:30am wake up. In fact it's pretty much the norm. However, as Fall approaches and the mornings cease to greet me with brilliant blue sky and a rising sun, it will take a new kind of willpower to get me out of my cozy bed on those early morning days.

Here are some tips on how to make it easier:
1- Put your alarm on the opposite side of the room so you actually have to get out of bed to turn it off. Once you're up...you're up.
2- Set your workout intentions for the week on Sunday night. Write down your plan for the week and tick it off as you go.
3- Make sure your playlist on your Pod is upbeat and ready to go. Download 1 new song at the beginning of the week that will inspire you.
4- Hold yourself accountable to someone else by making plans to meet in the morning. It feels even worse to let someone else down.
5- Prepare EVERYTHING the night before... Clothes, shoes, purse, water bottle and anything else that might delay you getting out of bed and out the door.
6- Reward yourself. Sometimes the Americano that I get from Starbucks after my morning class is enough to motivate me, but if you need a little more incentive than straight caffeine, treat yourself to a manicure at the end of the week if you follow through on your plan.
7- Be accountable to someone... whether it's the person who sleeps next to you, or a roommate down the hall, let them know you are waking up early for your workout and ask them to hold you to it.
8- Don't throw in the towel! If you sleep an extra 10 minutes and can only make a 45 minute session at the gym, DO IT! Push yourself harder in a shorter period of time. Learn to be efficient in the gym.
9- Hire a trainer... Nobody wants to pay the $80 cancel-charge to a trainer for sleeping in.
10- Get to bed earlier. Reap the benefits of a full night rest by tucking in early and aim for at least 6-8 hours.
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