Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Push it HARD! 12.5 Minutes!

November can be a tough month for fitness... Christmas parties are on the horizon, and it seems like the the seasonal baking is already in full-swing. PLUS the days seem so much shorter with the sun going down earlier...

I know... it can be tough to find the time for a workout. Luckily, our bodies respond well to being pushed to their maximum capacity for a shorter period of time. I know everyone can find 12 and 1/2 minutes in their day to do something great for your health!

1 Minute:

Explosive Jacks/Burpee Combo (Like a regular burpee except instead of jumping up, you do a wide legged explosive jack)

45 Seconds:

Side to side taps on the Bosu

3o Seconds:

Fast High Knees

15 Seconds:

Tuck Jumps

15 Seconds:


***5 Rounds***

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